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RoadRunners Homeschooling Child Safety Procedures

Parental Involvement

Parents are required to volunteer and participate with their child(ren) on some capacity.

Parents or guardians are ultimately responsible for their own children during Roadrunners Homeschooling activities. A parent or guardian must be present and on-sight during activities or make arrangements with another parent on their child(ren)’s behalf.

If an activity allows the the child(ren) to be dropped off, the child(ren) will be left in the specific care of at least two adults.


During sports events, at least two volunteers on every team will have a clean background check on file with Roadrunners Homeschooling. All Roadrunners Homeschooling board members and committee members need to have a clean background check on file with Roadrunners Homeschooling. All parents are required to volunteer and participate at events, per the registration instructions; a background check is not required.

All volunteers must be 18 years old or older and have no history of abuse or crime towards a minor.

All volunteers working with children will have at least one other adult working with them.

Volunteers will not go into the bathroom with a child unrelated to them or change diapers. If a child needs to use the restroom or have a diaper changed, a volunteer may bring the child to his/her parent/guardian/caregiver.

At no time shall one or more volunteers take one child away from the group by themselves.

All volunteers will agree to and sign Roadrunners Homeschooling Volunteer Code of Conduct.

A person will be deemed unfit to volunteer with Roadrunners Homeschooling if any of these conditions apply:

  • His/her background check does not come back clean.

  • He/she behaved him/herself in an inappropriate manner (as determined by the board) during any Roadrunners Homeschooling event/meeting or in public.

  • The board determines so at its discretion.

A person will not be allowed to be present at a Roadrunners Homeschooling event if any of these condition apply:

  • He/she has been convicted of a crime against a minor.

  • The board determines so at it discretion.


Roadrunners Homeschooling is open to children who are schooled at home. Children must be respectful of leadership and fellow children.

Children are not to bully, name-call, tease, or deride any other child or person. Children are not to hit or hurt another child. Children are to be positive and apply themselves to learning and trying. Children are not to grumble or complain, as that can ruin the positive learning environment for others. (Remember the age-old saying, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”)

If a child were to commit any of the above infractions, the coach/volunteer can, at their discretion, give a warning(s) or send the child to sit with their parent/guardian/caregiver.

If a child continues to commit infractions, the parent will be contacted. If, after the parent is contacted, the child continues to commit infractions, the parent will be notified, and they may be required to leave.

The board reserves the right to remove a child or family from participation at its discretion.

Appropriate Physical Boundaries

Roadrunners Homeschooling strives to demonstrate appropriate encouragement while maintaining positive and safe boundaries. These boundaries are to be observed between adult and child, as well as child and child. If a child is uncomfortable or does not want to participate in any of the positive forms of affection, respect his/her body and do not force participation or make the child to feel in any way that he/she is doing something wrong.

Examples of positive and appropriate forms of affection:

  • High fives

  • Fist bumps

  • Handshakes

  • Brief hugs or side hugs

  • Pats on the shoulder or back

  • Verbal praise

  • Holding hands while walking with small children

  • Sitting beside small children

  • Kneeling or bending down for hugs with small children

Examples of INAPPROPRIATE forms of affection:

  • Inappropriate or lengthy embraces

  • Kisses of any kind

  • Holding children over three years old on the lap

  • Touching bottoms, chests, or genital areas

  • Showing affection in isolated areas, in private, or away from others

  • Touching knees or legs

  • Wrestling (unless it’s being taught as a sport)

  • Tickling

  • Piggyback rides

  • Any type of massage

  • Any form of unwanted affection

  • Comments or compliments (spoken, written, or electronic) that relate to physique or body development

  • Snapping bras or giving wedgies or similar touch of underwear, whether or not it is covered by other clothing

  • Giving gifts or money to individual children

Choose the appropriate Code of Conduct below and sign:

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